Ways to SErve
Here are a few ways to give back if you have been blessed.

Administrative Support
If you have abilities in office administration, website maintenance or technical support, we are looking for new team members to support the house of prayer in these areas. Service areas can include:
Updating the website
Running lyrics during worship sets
Helping in the sound booth
Creating and sending email announcements
General maintenance/cleaning in the prayer room

Healing Room Team Member
We periodically train prayer team members for our Healing Rooms. If you are interested in training, please call Brad at 907-322-5642. Healing Rooms are currently held Tuesday nights at 7:00pm.
With more prayer teams available, we will be able to organize additional Healing Room nights.
Financial support
Monthly financial support is always welcome. Support money goes towards keeping the building running and in good repair, utility costs, occasional food purchases for meetings, and a small salary for our leadership team. All donations are tax deductible. Monthly recurring donations can be managed through our DonorBox account.